
“I Do” For Life

I have been married to my best friend, Leila, for 46 years!

Since we were raised in faith communities, our earliest memories of ‘encouragement’ from family and friends were based on the idea that there was No Backdoor with regard to our marriage relationship - we were going to be together for life. At the time, our naïveté and love for each other welcomed the “till death do us part” promise of our new relationship. It wasn’t until we experienced times of disappointment, hurt, and hopelessness that we realized each season of pain required a choice. Would we check out through the backdoor? Or, would we stay committed to each other for life?

No Backdoors Marriage Culture was birthed out of a desire to replicate the coaching we’ve received from mentors who have inspired us with perspectives, principles, and best practices that would encourage us toward a healthy relationship and continues to motivate us to persevere through the challenging seasons….and to stay away from the backdoors!

NBMC coaching introduces you to the Progressive Relationship Development Matrix and emphasizes the significance of knowing, affirming and loving who you are and embracing your story. We believe a healthy relationship is the product of two healthy individuals. NBMC’s driving passion: grow healthy relationships one healthy individual at a time!

Emory Davis, Jr.
No Backdoors Marriage Culture
